De Sims 2 VrijeTijd Moblog #8
Pheeeeew, Junior is tired! But we're almost home. Uncle Wouter and uncle Jordy are off the train already, and now only Junior and the secretaries are heading home. Uncle Wouter and uncle Junior have recorded a little video for SimParool, and besides that everybody looks at the painting! It is very big! But really pretty!
The Freezer Bunny painting in the train!Junior has seen a whole lot today, Bim and FreeTime and graffiti and Starbucks and Burger King and the train to Utrecht and the train to Eindhoven and now the train home! It is late and Junior is tired, but Junior wants to go to a presentation again the day after tomorrow! And painting again! And playing FreeTime agazzzzzzzz......
[Male secretary: Junior fell asleep. He'll probably blog again soon. Good night!]
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