The Sims 2 FreeTime Moblog #2
Junior is listening to tunes from the PSP together with the secretaries. The copying didn't go completely okay so that makes Junior a little sad because now some tunes don't work at all!
We're already on the train for a long time. Junior is getting impatient! But it won't take as long as traveling to Leipzig or flying home! And Junior has to wait almost two hours before Junior can meet Bim. Hopefully Bim want to have a picture of her with Junior. Junior is really excited!
We'll meet aunt Angela and uncle Martin in any moment. The male secretary has told Junior that uncle Wouter and uncle Jordy are already in Amsterdam to play tourist. Junior will do that after the event. Aunt Angela has promised yummy frappuccino!
Oh, little Seth is still a little too young to come along, so he is at his grandparents' today. Little Seth always likes that, so he will enjoy it. But Junior does miss Seth though!
Until the next blog! Junior is going to play games for a bit and then we have to get off already!
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