Rosana Kooymans

Junior's blog

Yippee for SNW!

It happened a few days ago, but Junior has had a little party again! All because on March 24th the female secretary's website, mommycat, had its birthday! SimsNetwork is now 5 years old already! Almost antique! And much older than Junior! Happy birthday SNW and mommycat!

Happy Birthday daddycat ChEeTaH!

Today is daddycat (male secretary) ChEeTaH's birthday! Junior thinks it should be celebrated with yummy pizzas and Starbucks frappuccinos! :party:

Birthday Partytime! - Blog #4

The party is over. Junior had a lot of fun with everybody here, with the dancing and eating and chatting and going to and from the station and taking care of the guests and of course launching Junior's brand new website! The time flew by, even though nobody threw a watch or phone! Junior's belly is completely stuffed from all the fondue and all the other tasty stuff so it's time for a good nap for Junior. Junior has just brought uncle Wouter back to the train station (Junior also picked him up this afternoon) and aunt Angela and uncle Martin have now left to their home by car. Junior can't wait for the next party. But now Junior is going to sleep to recover. Until next time!

A picture of uncle Wouter, aunt Angela and uncle Martin, of course with Junior!
Byeeeee train! Byeeeee uncle Wouter!

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