Junior's blog
Spore Event Moblog #2
Aaaah, Junior is back again! Junior is already on the plane to London, high above the ground. It's still dark out so the lights of Amsterdam and other villages and cities are really pretty. We're now flying above water, and when we land in about an hour we're already in England. It's not as far as flying home [San Francisco - male secretary], so Junior can't sleep anymore. Still, Junior is really excited. Junior is getting a bun and something to drink from the people on the plane, so Junior is going to fret! Later!
Junior thinks the airplane food is pretty good!Spore Event Moblog #1
Goodmolnig! Junior is still a little *yaaawwn*. Where was Junior? Oh, yeah, Schiphol! Because Junior got up reaaaally early tonight, because Junior is going to travel again! Today Junior will go spore, because today at Electronic Arts in England Junior will see and hopefully also play Spore.
Junior is now enjoying a nice bite at the Juggle Sandwich Bar with the secretaries, because Starbucks doesn't open until 7. Junior thinks that's too bad, but tonight, when Junior gets back, Junior will get a frappuccino! But Junior will now eat and drink the rest of the hot chocolate with whipped cream, later!
Starbucks that isn't open at 6 AM:Wall of Fame
Junior is altijd al beroemd geweest natuurlijk! Dat is niets nieuws. Maarrrrrr... Junior gaat sinds een tijdje ook met andere beroemde mensen op de foto! Op deze pagina kun je zien met wie!
Ome Thomas Vu van EA
Tante Patricia (tante Starrats) van LuckySims2
Ome Martin (ome DeKDeS) van DMS2C
Junior vond het heel gevaarlijk met die sigaret zo dicht in de buurt!!! Foei ome Martin!
AHHHHHH!!! Junior wist niet dat ome DeKDeS ook ome Duivel was? :?
Tante Angela (tante Mogway) van DMS2C
Oud-oud-oud-oud-oud-oom Rembrandt. Is blijkbaar heel beroemd. Maar Junior heeft geen idee wie het is?!
Tante Bim Majekodunmi van EA
Tante Anita van EA Nederland