Rosana Kooymans

Junior's blog

De Sims 2 VrijeTijd Moblog #8

Pheeeeew, Junior is tired! But we're almost home. Uncle Wouter and uncle Jordy are off the train already, and now only Junior and the secretaries are heading home. Uncle Wouter and uncle Junior have recorded a little video for SimParool, and besides that everybody looks at the painting! It is very big! But really pretty!

The Freezer Bunny painting in the train!

Junior has seen a whole lot today, Bim and FreeTime and graffiti and Starbucks and Burger King and the train to Utrecht and the train to Eindhoven and now the train home! It is late and Junior is tired, but Junior wants to go to a presentation again the day after tomorrow! And painting again! And playing FreeTime agazzzzzzzz......

[Male secretary: Junior fell asleep. He'll probably blog again soon. Good night!]

The Sims 2 FreeTime Moblog #7

Junior is getting hungry! But we have to wait for uncle Wouter and uncle Jordy and aunt Patricia. We have driven to Schiphol, and the secretaries take the freezer bunny home, because everybody of the group said that was alright! Junior can look at it every day! But we are now at Schiphol to drink Starbucks Frappuccino. Aunt Angela and uncle Martin like it really much, but they are almost not hungry anymore! Junior will drink it all though, because Junior likes it a lot! Later we'll have something to eat at the Burger King's, when the others arrive, and we'll talk some more. Junior has had a reeeeeeaaaaaally nice day, and will end it really nice. Junior will blog again!

Starbucks Frappuccino!

The Sims 2 FreeTime Moblog #6

Everybody is now busy with a very special activity, and Junior has also joined! Everybody gets to spray graffiti, with dirty stinking spraying cans. But it's real fun! The male secretary has sprayed the J of Junior on the board, and everybody tried to draw pretty letters. Junior does it together with the female secretary, and we're in a group with the male secretary, uncle Martin, aunt Angela, aunt Patricia (Starrats) and aunt MamaSims (that name is a little weird for an aunt!).


All of us are now making the freezer bunny! It isn't going entirely as planned, because the paint drips down, but that'll be okay with a little help! Aunt Angela and aunt MamaSims don't participate anymore, because they can't stand the air really well. Other than that everybody is busy drawing their own picture of something that has to do with the Sims, all in groups. Everybody is busy being creative. Well, Junior has to get on with it! Later!

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